It's past 12 in the midnight and I am still alive and kicking due to the innumerable school stuffs that need to be done this week. But here I am counting days for me to come back home and spend my weekend with my friends, family and with my special someone.
Yes, I'm into a relationship now and after a year of being a prisoner of my past love, I am now ready to love again. (charut!) Though all my past relationships failed, I know, somehow, someone will come my way to help me correct the mistakes I made in the past. I may not be that sure if this guy is already the one but I am always ready to take the risk. I love, I get hurt, I laugh, I cry...but the most important thing is that I've learned how to love and felt how to be loved. I just wish myself a goodluck and I really, really hope I have already changed those unnecessary attitude in me, which causes the failure of my past relationships.
Done! I need to go back in studying now. The energy is still in me and I want to keep it until this semester ends.
Happy December everyone! ^____^