Sunday, March 7, 2010

I was alone eating dinner with a single candle lit that brought me light. I was from the room watching August Rush not realizing that the electricity has gone off.
As I was eating alone, I tried to recall what happened during today. And I realized that nothing unusual has happened. It has never been a fun day. I have not met a friend and my eyes did not twinkle with joy and happiness. It was such an ordinary day, a sad day. So I asked myself, “When will I be happy? When will this sadness, disappointments, and fear abandon me?” (Thinking…) ...Maybe SOON …maybe LATER. God knows.
I don’t know what to write anymore. It’s so silent here that the ticking of the clock is the only sound I could hear. And I am here alone, with a small candle in front of me. It’s too dark and this little candle is bringing me light…a LITTLE candle in a dark space. Isn’t it wonderful? If I blow the little fire in this candle off, it would be too dark here to barely see anything. (Okay, let me try. *blew the candle...lit it again) It was dark without the candle’s light but as I lit the candle again, I see light. Awesome, isn’t it? This little light could be compared to HOPE. Hope could be as small as this dot (.) but this hope gives us the light to continue life, live life as it is, endure all the pain life gives. And even how dark the area where you are is, how dark is your life, a small, little light will be lit for you to bring you hope that, sooner or later, the lights will be turned on and your life will be as bright as you could even imagine.
Well, I sound really ironic here because personally, I get so disappointed and get hurt so easily. During a bad day, I become more of an unfaithful child of God who blames HIM for all the bad things that are happening. But despite that, I never gave in and at the end of the day, I still find myself with my eyes closed with tears, thanking God for the life and for the safety of my friends, family and everyone who is close to my heart. I may be no one for the many people that surrounds me but for HIM, I am somebody and I thank HIM for every day he has given me and for the many chances he has bestowed me so I could correct my mistakes from yesterdays and be with the few people who love me and with the people I love.
Live life as it is, endure the pain, cry, and be happy. For me, this is how life works. Hope and faith will always be our foundation. So hope and keep the faith! ^^,