Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Yes, I'm into a relationship now and after a year of being a prisoner of my past love, I am now ready to love again. (charut!) Though all my past relationships failed, I know, somehow, someone will come my way to help me correct the mistakes I made in the past. I may not be that sure if this guy is already the one but I am always ready to take the risk. I love, I get hurt, I laugh, I cry...but the most important thing is that I've learned how to love and felt how to be loved. I just wish myself a goodluck and I really, really hope I have already changed those unnecessary attitude in me, which causes the failure of my past relationships.
Done! I need to go back in studying now. The energy is still in me and I want to keep it until this semester ends.
Happy December everyone! ^____^
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I wish everyone a great day today. Enjoy the sun. I hope the weather will stay as beautiful as today. ^____^
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
It was just yesterday when I was so happy I spent my day with my friends. We had a great time together. And suddenly today, I feel so sad I can't help but cry my heart out. If the past few days have been great, this day was again terrible and so depressing. I have always been like this - a pessimistic kind of person. I just can't help it! I can see that whenever I'm happy, at the end of my day bad news always comes.
There is so much in me that I wanted to share to someone. Well, my friends are there, I can see but I am afraid they'd get tired of me so I don't want to bother them. I don't want them away from me. Being neglected is the very thing I always fear of. It hurts so much whenever someone special neglects me. That is just so painful it depresses me. But that is not my concern for now. I am so depressed I can feel that I am stranded and I can't find a way to help myself out from this place where I am stuck! I don't know what to do! I just hope and pray that soon enough I will be out from this abyss I am in because there are so many things I want to do with my life and share everything I have with the people I love.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
WOW! Amazement is what I am feeling in this very moment. I have just read a 174-page book for 2 DAYS! Isn't it great? It was my first time to read a whole book again for nearly a year now and it is really an accomplishment. And take note! The book that I have just read was very informative and interesting I was not able to get myself out from reading it. I am so proud I have finished reading it before my deadline because someone who has an authority over me ordered me to finish reading it for a week. And I have done it for only 2 days! Really great, right? But even without the deadline, I am sure I could still finish it in 2 days or less, only if I don’t have other stuffs to do.
What amazes me more was the connection he had accomplished between me and his stories. He, indeed, is a great writer. The book was actually more of a tutorial kind of book but instead of making it a pure tutorial book, what he did is that he made a story line between a teacher and a student. It was really great it made me laugh and shed a tear while reading the book. Aside from the fun and entertainment I got, I also learned a lot from him.
I am just so happy I was recommended to read his book.
Thank you reading!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Next week would be a very long and tiring week for me and my classmates. We have lots of deadlines to meet, lessons to study and projects to finish. And that means one thing - I need to learn to manage my time well and wisely! OH NO! I need to cancel all the social events that I have already planned. No single second should be wasted.
I can see and feel that my eye bags are getting heavy. It alarms me to bones but I need to stop thinking about it and start planning of how things should be done so everything will turn out good. I just hope no conflicts will be seen as I go through this journey of my study. I only have few weeks left to finish this semester and another semester to finish this school year so I hope everything will be fine with my grades. 2010 is fast approaching and I am, somehow excited about the things that may happen in the coming year. Everything will turn out good, right? FIGHTING! ^_____^
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Today, I realized one thing. I've been experiencing sudden mood swings for these last few weeks and months. Well, I'm always moody but for the past few weeks, it was worse. I don't know how it really started but I really wanted to change it. I wish I could. but the thing is that whenever something or someone irritates me, it gets up to my head and there! From being so cheerful, my mood gets terrible and oftentimes, due to the great irritation I'm feeling, I curse. This is also one of the things that I really wanted to change. I thought I have already overcome this attitude but I was wrong. It's still in me and I usually curse whenever I get mad or irritated. This needs to be changed because people may be annoyed by hearing my curses. I don't want anyone to dislike me because of my unpleasant attitudes. However, I am very glad that my friends still accept me for being me. I just wish they won't get tire of me. So for them to not stay away from me, I need to change the negative me in me, not only for the people that surround me but most especially for myself.
I know this displeasing attitudes of mine will soon disappear. SOON! And I will really try to overcome them. Thanks for reading. God Bless.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I wonder when I will ever overcome these two unpleasant attitudes. Perhaps, most of my friends get irritated with me when I become indecisive. So this time, I’m going to slow things down. I will try to overcome these two displeasing attitudes that I have so there’s nothing I will regret in the end.
Monday, September 21, 2009

It's been a long time since I went biking with friends. And just today, I, together with my 3 girl friends and a boy friend went biking. One of my friends doesn't know how to ride a bike so we taught her. Unfortunately, she was not able to learn yet. We had a great time together. However, two accidents happened. I and one of the girls were injured due to biking. I got plenty of scratches in both arms, knees, and in the face. My friend’s hands get wounded and it was really an OUCH. She is fine though. But despite the accidents, we had fun. After biking, we went home and took a rest. Afterwards, we went to a park away from the city. We talked and talked and laughed and laughed and took pictures and went home. It was really a great day. I wish to have more great and happy days to come.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Family is what I have. Though we don’t have a luxurious life and we can’t have what we have almost all the time, I am still happy that we are complete. Despite the imperfections of our family, I am still happy because I have them with me. I love my family so much and I can never let anyone hurt them. I can let people hurt me but not any of the members of my family. They mean so much to me.
I miss them so much. And just a few minutes ago, I received a call from my mother. She told me about the happenings in the house and told me that my youngest brother is sick. He vomited blood last night. It worries me so much that’s why I really wanted to go home. But the thing that amazes me much is that while he is sick, he took a rosary and wore it. That means one thing – he has FAITH. I remember when he was younger, I heard him wish death. I pitied him and hearing his words brought me to tears. My brother was born with a hydrocele testis. It is an accumulation of clear fluid in the most internal of membranes containing a testicle. It enlarges the scrotum due to the fluid in it. With such irregularity, it made his walking abnormal. He can’t walk the way normal people do. He grew up with the criticisms of the kids of his age. But the best attitude I have seen in my brother is that he never cares about what other people say. He never let his irregularity affect his social life. He plays with the normal kids and though others do tease him, he is strong enough to handle them. Though he is a very spoiled brat, I admire the very cheerful side of him. I know inside he was suffering but I never saw him cry because of his irregularity. That is the reason why I love him so much. He is sick today but with the faith in his heart, I know he will be healed. I also have faith that he will be healed. He is one of the reasons why I want to have a good life in the future so I could share it with him and to the rest of my family. Family is what I have. My friends may come and go but I know my family will not. I know that whatever happens, they will stay with me throw ups and downs. I thank God for them. There are really many reasons for us to be happy. We just have to look at the bright side.
There is no way I could contain the happiness I have in this very moment. Though I had a terrible day at school, I still am a lucky one because I have just received a good news today. I was quite nervous for the last few days about this and now, it resulted into a good one. I wouldn’t be sharing you what the good news really is yet but I have shared this to two of my closest and best friends today. They were the first two to know and I am really very happy to share good news with them. I was also happy to share it with my family.
With the good news that I’ve just received, I hope that there would be more good news and blessings to come in my life. God is just so good that even if I’ve been a bad girl for these past few weeks and days, He still showers me with blessings.
Good night. Thank you for reading. ^____^
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
We have heard nothing from Sandara Park in the last few years after she has left Philippines and migrated in Korea, her home country. And undeniably, she has left us with so much memory after winning the first batch of Star Circle Quest in 2004. She has been named by her friends in the Philippines as Krung-Krung and later on became famous as the “Pambansang Krung-Krung ng Bayan”. We have also known her for her “Sandara Wave” with a line “Mahal ko Kayo”.
Now, she is continuing her fortune in the field of show business. She is currently in a girl group named 2ne1 and is now receiving a hot response here in the Philippines. Their songs can be heard wherever you go and just this month, her first single, titled Kiss, has been released. The music video of her single is a sure hit here in the Philippines because Lee Min Ho or what we have known as Goo Jun Pyo of BOF is with here in the video making all girls shiver with the chemistry the two celebrities bring. for forums about Sandara park and her girl group 2ne1, head on over to the YG Ladies Forum.
To watch watch the full video, click here.
The luck arches the closing ozone.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I was watching a Filipino drama series just a few hours ago when I found a book entitled “If I really wanted to be a great friend I WOULD…” on a table near me. I thought it was a book for kids so I took it and scanned its contents. While I was scanning, a sentence got my full attention so I typed it in my phone and saved it. The sentence goes “Mistakes are the seedlings of future successes.”
Thursday, September 10, 2009

When I was in high school, I had lots of crushes in school. Most of them were my friends in grade school. Then, one time, a girl friend of mine introduced me the game called FLAMES. It is a compatibility game in which you would know how your crush feels about you, you for them, and if how compatible you are together.
The first thing you should know about this game is the meaning of the letters in the word FLAMES. F stands for FRIENDS, L for LOVE, A for AFFECTION, M for MARRIAGE, E for ENEMY, and S for SWEETHEART. The second thing you should do then is to know your crush’s full name. If you only know him/her by nickname, then it’s time for you to investigate for his/her full name because this game would turn out useless without the full name. So if you have already satisfied the two requirements, then you can start the game.
Do the following steps:
1.Get a pen and a paper.
2.Write down the word FLAMES.
3.Below the word FLAMES, write down your crush’s full name.
4.Also, write down your full name below your crush’.
(Note: Let us alias your crush’s full name here as C and your full name as Y so you won’t get confused. It is applicable only here. )
5.Compare the letters in C with that of Y. If a letter from C matches to the letters in Y, put a slash on the letters in both C and Y. Continue until there are no letters left that match.
6.After Step 5, count the total number of slashed letters in C. Write the total in its right side.
7.Do the same thing in Y.
8.Add C and Y’s results and jot it down.
We are almost done. The last step will be to refer to the word FLAMES. So what we need to do is to put the letters of the word FLAMES in serial numbering. That means that F is equal to 1, L to 2, A to 3, M to 4, E to 5, S to 6, F again to7, A to 8,and so on and so forth. So if you have your results in steps 6, 7, and 8, refer to the serial numbering of the letters of the word FLAMES. Example, if you have a result of 7 in C, mark it as F. if you have a result of 2 in Y, mark it as L. and lastly, in Step 8’s result, if you have 9, mark it as A. So that ends the calculating of the result.
The most exciting part of the game is yet to be done. That is the interpretation of the results. So in the above example, since we have 7 as a result in C, that means, C sees you as a FRIEND but don’t be sad yet. You still have a chance in the final result. The result in Y, which is marked L means LOVE. That means that you are in love with your crush. Moving on to the final result which is 9 and is marked A, which means AFFECTION, means that even if C sees you as a friend, that might lead you both to affection. Good Luck for that! ^___^
So that’s how the game FLAMES is to be played. Let’s go on with the next game called TRUE LOVE. This game, like FLAMES, is a compatible game that requires both you and your crush’s full name. This game is so simple yet you have to keep an eye on it so you won’t commit mistakes while calculating your result. So the first thing you should do is write down you and your crush’s full name, and the word TRUE LOVE above them. The next step is to refer to the letters in the phrase TRUE LOVE and to the letters of the two names written. Start with the letter T. If you find the letter T in both names, then write down the total number of the letter T found in the names. If there’s none, write down 0. For example, in these two names Kenneth Paclar and Dexter Jim Abregana, there are two letters T in their names so write down 2 but in the names April Lyn Paclar and Ronnel Lumayag, there is none, so mark it 0. You need to do this until you have finished all the letters in the phrase. The results must be written together, side by side. If you are done counting until the letter E of the phrase, you can now start computing.
How does the computation be done? Assuming we have this set of results: 0310300. The first thing to do is add the first number, which is 0, to the second number, 3. Write down the result in the next line. Then, add the second number, 3, to the third number, 1. Write down the answer beside the first answer. Then, add the 3rd number to the 4th, the 4th to the 5th, the 5th to the 6th, the 6th to the 7th, and the 7th to the 8th. Write down the results beside the first two results. You have to repeat the steps until there are only two digits left. In the given example, we will get a result of 89. That result, 89, is the percentage of how compatible you and crush are. The failing score for this game is 60 so if you have a score of below 60, then sad to say but you are not compatible with your crush. So this is how the game TRUE LOVE works.
These two games are made only for fun. Whatever the result may be, never ever rely on it. Play it and have fun. Don’t take it seriously. I find these games really fun and silly I may be, I still play it sometimes whenever I got a crush on someone. I hope you’ll also enjoy these games. Thank you for reading and i hope my instructions are clear and understandable. May the blessings of the Lord shower on you.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Walking is beneficial and nobody is exempted in the benefits walking could give. However, our team’s(I and Leia) target user for this proposed project will be those pregnant women. So how does walking benefit pregnant women? Through an online survey, pregnant women or those women who have gone to such crucial part of their lives stated that walking would make you feel more energized and helps you during labor. It also helps restless pregnant women to relax and find sleeping better, which will make the baby in your womb become healthy as well. Another post-effect that walking could give a pregnant woman is that, after the labor, it helps you gain back your figure quicker.
Walking throughout pregnancy also ensures that your body keeps up a level of health and fitness, making it easier to lose those pregnancy pounds after delivery. It eases constipation, along with aches and pains, helping you to sleep better at night. It can also reduce the length of the labor and decrease delivery complications.
The duration of the walk may depend on your level of comfort. You may begin walking 20 to 30 minutes three times per week and build from there to 30 - 60 minutes most days of the week and continue until you’re almost ready to deliver the baby. The word moderation is also required because you should never overdo the walking or push yourself to the limit like joining marathons just for the sake of walking. Instead, you may do brisk walking to help improve your endurance, circulation, and the condition of your heart.
Chronoped, the name of our team's proposed project, a wrist watch especially made for pregnant women. It comes with a pedometer that measures the number of steps, the distance covered and the pulse rate. Also, it has an alarm feature and a calendar for marking dates. It comes with a thin aluminum design that is sleek, modern and chic at the same time. With the 1.8 inch electroluminescent display touchscreen interface, everything, is in control with the touch of a fingertip. Also, with its hard rubber strap and neodymium magnet lock, Chronoped stays securely attached on the wrist.
This is a project in our Human-Computer Interaction subject with Mrs. Aloha Ambe. This project is inspired by the CHI 2010 Student Design Competition and this shall be submitted on January 24, 2010. For more information about the competition, click here.
Friday, September 4, 2009

I only have 1 class today and I find it really tiring to go to school for that one boring subject. My classmates have been asking me if our professor would be meeting us today because it's like one week of no classes and maybe they feel the same way I'm feeling right now. But I guess I should attend this class today. I've been missing the discussions lately so I really need be there. But what I really want to do today is to surf the net, improve my blog and chat with my friends. I find school really boring now. Just sharing. Thank you! ^___^

After weeks of exams and worries, at last, i can now have some time to spend with myself.
I have just watched the movie Coming Soon and I find it a li'l boring. I don't want to discourage everyone from watching it but I don't find it scary at all. It's like one of those typical Filipino horror movies. It was boring. I'm sorry.
We, I and my friend Aprox, are supposed to watch 3 movies straight but we ended up watching Coming Soon last part of the movie was cool though.hahaha
That's all. *bow* ^____^
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
My being emotional, kind and sensitive are not contributing me any good. I wish…I could change for the good of me because im soo tired with this bullshit life of mine. I wish…I wish!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Every day is a day of pain and trials for me. I feel like I’ve fallin into a very deep abyss and I can’t move up. People see me as a happy person but deep inside I’m dying in pain. Well, it has never been about guys because people think that a person becomes more emotional when brokenhearted. But no, it’s not about it. It’s about my life in general. My life was full of pains I don’t even want to live with it. If only I could change it. But I can’t and I need to live with this until my last breath.
People have so many friends and so do I. But among those friends I have now, a few only knows me much or maybe nobody really knows me at all. And only a few understands me as me. People tend to joke around on me and they have never known that, sometimes, those funny li’l jokes for them have stroke and hurt me. But that was fine. Maybe they don’t really mean those. Maybe I am really just a weakling. I cry and get hurt so easily, which I really hate about myself. I wanted to be strong. I wanted to stop crying and live a happy life full of laughter and joy. But how? I feel like I was abandoned by everyone.
I hate the set up of my life. I want to change it but I think I can’t yet. I have always wished I could just run away and forget everything and everyone but how could I ever do that? Is it even possible? I remember when I was younger, I wanted to be in an accident and get amnesia so I could forget all the problems I’m facing. Well, until now, I’m still wishing I could have amnesia. I want to forget everything…and everyone. Friends! Sometimes, your friends are the ones who could make you feel bitter. They may not know it or they may have not done it intentionally but it’s true. They, sometimes, are the ones pulling you down. Well this may not be true to everyone but for me it is. But still, friendship is more important for me and I love my friends. I am a person who never keeps hatred in the heart. I forgive so easily and I think that is, somehow, a weakness. Is it? Well, I think it is. Sometimes, I wanted to hate someone but I just can’t understand why I can’t. Maybe I’m just too kind I can’t hate anyone even those people who “contributed” bitterness in my life.
But despite all the problems, I still find reasons to smile in a day. It’s just that there are days that I feel so sentimental just like today. But what I’m trying to do now is to be more optimistic and see the bright side of my life. I don’t want to miss the happy moments life may bring. No retreat…no surrender. Life goes on and I know, someday, somehow, I could find that happiness I’ve been longing to have. And someday, I could say that all these pains I have now are all worth the happiness I would soon have.
Writing how I feel today makes my day better. I feel better now. Have a good day. ^____^