Monday, September 21, 2009

It's been a long time since I went biking with friends. And just today, I, together with my 3 girl friends and a boy friend went biking. One of my friends doesn't know how to ride a bike so we taught her. Unfortunately, she was not able to learn yet. We had a great time together. However, two accidents happened. I and one of the girls were injured due to biking. I got plenty of scratches in both arms, knees, and in the face. My friend’s hands get wounded and it was really an OUCH. She is fine though. But despite the accidents, we had fun. After biking, we went home and took a rest. Afterwards, we went to a park away from the city. We talked and talked and laughed and laughed and took pictures and went home. It was really a great day. I wish to have more great and happy days to come.
it's great hanging out with friends!
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