Thursday, September 22, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Then it got me into thinking that I haven't gotten into a real fight with someone yet. I was always the afraid one, the coward one. I just cried whenever I got bullied during my high school days. Well, I never fought back because if did, I might have been called by our principal and that's a shame. Fighting isn't everything. You don't really have to fight back to feel that you are strong and brave. When I'm mad and upset, I cuss a lot when I'm all by myself but when the person I am mad/upset with is with me, I just shut my mouth up and don't even say a word.
Oh well. I gotta go to work now.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
As mentioned in my About Me Page and post, I seldom go to church. There are reasons but the very reason I don’t go to church during Sundays is because I don’t want to go there just because I am obliged to do so.
I just had a conversation with a friend who just went to church today but fell asleep during the priest’s sermon. He goes to church every Sunday with his family and well, I’m not sure if he listens to the priest at all. You know, this is one of the things I don’t like about people. They only go to church because it’s SUNDAY. Yes, I understand that it is one of the Ten Commandments of our Lord. And yes, I also appreciate the effort and time these people devote in order to go to church ‘cause believe me it’s not easy to go against lethargy. But regardless, I don’t appreciate the deed at all. The commandment says “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” Well, surely, they obeyed the first part of the commandment but what they forgot to obey is to make the Sabbath day holy, which I believe is the most important thing about this commandment. But how do we make it holy? Does going to church every Sunday enough? NO, it’s not. Sabbath day is the day that we should spend our day with the Lord and it shouldn’t just be about attending the mass. It’s more of committing yourself to God mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Most people, believe me or not, go to church and don’t listen to the pastor/priest’s sermons at all not even to the word of God. Some people go to church to dress up, others to accompany their friends, and most people go to church just because it’s SUNDAY. And I hate it. I really do. This is the reason why I don’t go to church at all. I don’t feel blessed most of the time and I only find myself committing more sins whenever I attend masses. There was even a time when I heard someone saying “When will his sermons going to end? I want to go home now” and I was like, “You shouldn’t have been here and just stayed home instead of complaining”. See what I’m trying to say here? People think that going to church, sitting and kneeling is enough to please the Lord. Sad reality. Tsk3.
So well, I’m not talking here as a hardcore Christian and I’m not even trying to chasten these people. I’m just sharing my thoughts and opinion about this matter. Whether you agree or not, it’s yours to decide.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
P.S. I'm back here! ^^
Wednesday, March 30, 2011